Saturday, November 10, 2012

Oracle Application GL Journal Interface Process

This Blog post is written for end-to-end automation of Oracle Applications’ General Ledger (GL) Journal Interface, and it contains all the best practices followed in the interface as well. The purpose of this white paper is to serve as a template, as well as reference material for the interface. This outlines the entire implementation of GL Interface process in detail. It details the interface in detail - from the time of getting data from any external source, till it gets transferred into Oracle Applications’ GL as Journals. It also contains information on error handling of the interface.

As part of the main concurrent program, the following steps are handled:
Batch Control Validation
In this process, the Journal data is grouped into a batch or batches, depending on the number of Journal records and the grouping rules. One record exists for each batch to be maintained in the Batch Control table. Each batch should have one record in the Batch control table. It will have two statuses namely, Batch and data status. These statuses will be updated to reflect the current status of a given Batch. This provides better control over the Batch of Journal records for importing the Journal data into Oracle Applications.

When the Batch record(s) hit this table, they will carry the Batch and Data status as ‘New’ and ‘Never Validated’. It will then be continually updated to refl ect the status of the Batch till it reaches the Data Import.

The Batch control table record maintains the count of Total Journal lines, the Total Credit and Debit lines and the respective amounts. When the Batch of Journal hits the Staging table, a procedure in the Interface package, checks to see if the counts match by performing the Count and Sum on the associated Journal records. Accordingly, it updates the Batch and Data status as ‘Control Validated’ and ‘Control Validation Successful’ or ‘Control Validated’ and ‘Control Validation Failed’.
The Batch of Journal which gets successfully control-validated alone would be taken through the remaining steps.

Data Validation
The Journal data available in the Journal transaction table is validated on the required columns, as given below:

Local Currency Journals:
1.    Accounting Date – The period of the date needs to open in GL module
2.    Segment 1 to Segment n – based on the number of account segments defined
3.    Currency Code should be defined and exists in FND_CURRENCIES table
4.    User Journal Source Name - should be defined and exists in GL_JE_SOURCES table
5.    User Journal Category Name - should be defined and exists in GL_JE_CATEGORIES table
6.    Derive Set of Books Id based on set of Books name
7.    Actual Flag – A-Actual; B- Budget type Journals
Foreign Currency Journals:
1.    Currency Conversion Rate
2.    Currency Conversion Date
3.    Currency Conversion Type

At the end of data validation for each Batch, the Batch Control and Journal transaction data
table has to be updated as given below:
1.    The Batch Control table’s Batch and Data statuses have to updated as ‘Validated’ and
‘Validation Successful’/’Validation Failed’/Validation Partially Successful’.
2.    The Journal Transaction table’s Process Flag has to be updated as ‘Validated’/ ‘Validation Error’.
3.    The error records and the ERROR_MESSAGE columns have to be updated with the actual error message. Since it is handled as a multiple-step process, given the situation of error could occur at any step, the error messages needs to be appended.
Data Transfer
The Journal Batches which were successfully validated will then be transferred to the Open
GL Interface table. At the Batch control table, the Batch and Data status will be updated to
‘Transferred’ and ‘Transfer Successful’ / ‘Transfer Error’. The Process Flag columns of the Journal Transaction table have to be updated as ‘Transferred’ or ‘Transfer Error’ as well.
Data Import
The Journal records of a Batch which were successfully transferred to the GL Interface table
will be taken up for Importing into Oracle EBS. The Oracle standard Journal Import program would need to be invoked from back-end for importing Journal data.
Note: The Batch Id is mapped to the GROUP_ID in Oracle, so that the Batch gets imported into GL as Batch and the “One Fail All Fail” concept is naturally achieved as well.
The Oracle Base table would need to be inserted with a record for each Batch of Journals
Import as given below:

For instance,
GL_INTERFACE_CONTROL table population

INTO gl_interface_control
v_je_source_name, -- Value from gl_je_sources.je_source_name
‘S’, -- status constant value
v_interface_run_id, -- gl_journal_import_s.NEXTVAL

Note: In the insert statement above, to populate the JE_SOURCE_NAME Columns, fetch the value from the Column JE_SOURCE_NAME from gl_je_sources table, based on matching of USER_JE_SOURCE_NAME column.

Submitting a back-end concurrent request for Journal Import program is given in the following sample code:
--Submitting the Concurrent request for Journal Import from Back end PLSQL
package/ program
<number variable> := fnd_request.submit_request
(‘SQLGL’, -- p_conc_id OUT NUMBER
‘GLLEZL’,-- ‘GLJIMPT’ p_conc_name IN VARCHAR2,
‘Journal Import - ‘ || batch_rec.source,
TO_CHAR(v_interface_run_id), -- gl_journal_import_s.NEXTVAL
‘O’--DFF Import N-No Import; O- Without validation;W-With validation
-- A Call to wait and get a concurrent Request Id of the Journal Import
<BOOLEAN variable>:=
Based on the call, update the Staging table (Batch Control and Journal tranaction table) about the status of the Import, as given below:
IF NOT ((v_dphase = ‘COMPLETE’) AND (v_dstatus = ‘NORMAL’))
Update the Staging table status columns about the Journal Import Failed
Check if no record exists for given batch by using GROUP_ID
IF no records exists in GL_INTERFACE table
Update the Staging table status columns about the Journal Import Successful
Update the Staging table status columns about the Journal Import Failed